Government Health and Prevention Policy: QPMA applauds Government target on fruit and vegetable consumption and aims to help

Montreal, October 25, 2016 - “The decision by the government to get people eating 5 or more fruits and vegetables daily, as a matter of priority between now and 2025, is proof of its commitment to promoting habits that lead to healthy lifestyles. With the ‘I love 5 to 10 servings a day’ campaign, which has been delivering results for the past 12 years, the QPMA and its members and partners will be happy to cooperate in helping the government achieve its goals.”

With these words, Quebec Produce Marketing Association CEO Sophie Perrault expressed her pleasure on learning the details of the Quebec government’s new Health and Prevention Policy made public on Sunday by the acting minister of rehabilitation, youth protection, public health, and healthy lifestyles, Lucie Charlebois.

“A healthy diet that’s rich in fruits and vegetables can help prevent any number of health and social problems. A balanced diet is an investment that pays real dividends…perhaps the most valuable investment you can make,” said QPMA board president Roland Lafont. “So the QPMA is glad that the government is investing in prevention by committing itself to taking action for healthy eating.”

“With our educational materials, including the food guides, Mandoline kits, serving cards, and other resources, with our experience in the ‘I love 5 to 10 servings a day’ campaign, the QPMA already has significant knowledge to help facilitate many activities and initiatives from the get-go. We’ll be right there on the starting line, just as soon as details of the action plan to implement the policy are known. Any and all approaches to promote healthy lifestyles, especially among young children, are a smart choice for creating a healthy society. And because we believe this so strongly, we’ll be able to contribute toward achieving the government’s goals. In short, the QPMA is here to help,” said Sophie Perreault.


Founded in 1947, the QPMA is a non-profit organization that brings together members from every sector of the produce industry, working in close synergy with them and our industry partners. Our mission is to create a favourable environment for the development of fruit and vegetable marketing in Quebec, to play a leadership role in promoting fruits and vegetables, and to represent and defend the best interests of our members with government and industry.

Launched by the Quebec Produce Marketing Association (QPMA) in 2004, the “I love 5 to 10 servings a day” campaign was designed to raise consumer awareness about the importance of eating fruits and vegetables as part of a healthy lifestyle. For more information, please visit or follow us on Facebook.


Source:  Sophie Perreault
Chief Executive Officer, QPMA

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