The fruit and vegetable industry’s next generation is being cultivated and connected



Montreal, February 27, 2018 –The third edition of the QPMA’s Next-Generation Happy Hour was held on Wednesday, February 20 at the Pub Burgundy Lion. It was an event that knows how to change with the times with the same dynamic and ambitious energy of those who were on hand. There’s no doubt that the next generation is determined to make their mark by developing the industry to its full potential.

Training: relevant and interactive

For a second time, and in accordance with the objectives set for itself by the Next-Generation Committee, training was provided to meet the needs of today’s young professionals. Delivered interactively by Certified Management Consultant Pierre Lainey from HEC Montréal, the focus was on developing organizational political skills. It was a great opportunity for participants to prepare themselves for creating an impact and having an influence when defending their interests in their respective organizations.

Happy Hour: nothing succeeds like success

This was followed by a networking cocktail with a laid-back ambiance that was the perfect backdrop for enriching professional exchanges. Establishing connections is without doubt an essential element in developing a successful business career.

That’s something the 90 participants clearly understood, taking advantage of the event to expand their contacts and meeting QPMA governors and members of the board during a remarkable evening that would not have been possible without the generous financial support of sponsors with a strong belief in the future: Metro, Sobeys IGA, Loblaws, and Hydroserre Mirabel.

It was also the opportunity to officially launch the eighth edition of the QPMA’s “Cultivating the Next Generation” program. The objective of the program is to encourage community involvement and talent development by enabling the selected candidate to develop their network of contacts, participate in meetings, and express their opinions on the issues and projects the QPMA is involved in. The current intern, Danny Boileau (Vergers Jean-Yves Boileau & Fils), enthusiastically shared his experience, highlighting the career accelerator aspect of the program.

The team spirit was unmistakable Wednesday evening, and so was the determination to raise the industry’s expectations to the highest level, and to as many people as possible. Especially with the I Love Fruits and Veggies Movement and its goal of encouraging greater consumption of fruits and vegetables by everyone for a healthier Quebec.

The full meaning of connecting, cultivating, and growing – three verbs that best define the association’s objectives for its members and the industry – came through loud and clear during this very special evening.

About the QPMA

Founded in 1947, the QPMA is a non-profit organization that brings together active members from the entire fruit and vegetable industry, working in close interaction with them and with various industry partners. The association’s mission is to promote the consumption of fruits and vegetables in Quebec and the activities of members in the sector.

About the I Love Fruits and Veggies Movement

Launched by the QPMA, the “I Love Fruits and Veggies Movement” is a follow-up to the “I love 5 to 10 servings a day” campaign. In both cases, the objective remains the same: to raise public awareness of the importance of consuming fruits and vegetables as part of a healthy lifestyle.





Contact :

Florian Damy – Communications and Partnerships Coordinator / 514-355-4330 #224









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