These facts sheets contain valuable and useful informationto buy, handle, store, place these produces and to advise better consumers.
They will be hand-delivered to the managers of 250 stores during a visit by a project agent assigned to assess the place of these Quebec's fresh produce on display this year and 250 others next year.
Essential information and training tools for a manager of a fruit and vegetable department, in store or in a fruit store, which you can also download at the following links (in French only) :
Ail - Garlic
Betterave - Beet
Bleuet sauvage - Wild Blueberry
Canneberge - Cranberry
Carotte - Carrot
Chou-fleur - Cauliflower
Courge d’automne - Butternut
Céleri - Celery
Fraise - Strawberry
Framboise - Raspberry
Laitue iceberg - Iceberg Lettuce
Laitue romaine - Romain Lettuce
Maïs sucré - Sweet corn
Oignon - Onion
Poireau - Leek
Poivron de champ - Field Pepper
Radis - Radish
Tomate beef rouge serre - Greenhouse beef red tomato
Tomate cerise rouge serre - Greenhouse red cherry tomato
Tomate grappe rouge serre - Greenhouse red grap tomato
Tomate rose de serre - Greenhouse pink tomato
Pomme de terre - Potato