30 documents on Quebec 's fruits and vegetables for store managers

These facts sheets contain valuable and useful informationto buy, handle, store, place these produces and to advise better consumers.

They will be hand-delivered to the managers of 250 stores during a visit by a project agent assigned to assess the place of these Quebec's fresh produce on display this year and 250 others next year.

Essential information and training tools for a manager of a fruit and vegetable department, in store or in a fruit store, which you can also download at the following links (in French only) :

  1. Ail - Garlic

  2. Betterave - Beet

  3. Bleuet sauvage - Wild Blueberry

  4. Brocoli

  5. Camerise

  6. Canneberge - Cranberry

  7. Carotte - Carrot

  8. Chou-fleur - Cauliflower

  9. Courge d’automne - Butternut

  10. Céleri - Celery

  11. Fraise - Strawberry

  12. Framboise - Raspberry

  13. Laitue boston de serre

  14. Laitue iceberg - Iceberg Lettuce

  15. Laitue romaine - Romain Lettuce

  16. Mâche de serre - 

  17. Maïs sucré - Sweet corn

  18. Oignon - Onion

  19. Okra (gombo)

  20. Panais

  21. Poireau - Leek

  22. Poivron de champ - Field Pepper

  23. Rabiole

  24. Radis - Radish

  25. Rutabaga

  26. Tomate beef rouge serre - Greenhouse beef red tomato

  27. Tomate cerise rouge serre - Greenhouse red cherry tomato

  28. Tomate grappe rouge serre - Greenhouse red grap tomato

  29. Tomate rose de serre  - Greenhouse pink tomato

  30. Pomme de terre - Potato

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