Since January 15, 2020, new requirements apply for certain companies in the fresh fruit and vegetable industry. They concern:
- The preventive control,
- The preventive control plan,
Note : CanadaGAP meets the food safety requirements of the Preventive control plan, however, you may also need to meet other requirements related to consumer protection.
- Traceability, including the mention on the label of the lot code of prepackaged consumer fruits and vegetables.
However, companies will be able to use existing packaging until January 15, 2021.
Examples of lot codes include a best before date, harvest date, establishment number, SFC licence, grower identification number, GPS coordinates or growing region. However the growing region may be a province/state or sub-provincial /state within a country. A more specific lot code – for example GPS coordinates, grower ID, establishment or SFC licence number – will help ensure a more timely removal of affected product during a food safety investigation or recall.
As a reminder, since January 15, 2019, for businesses that import or manufacture, process, treat, preserve, grade, package or label fresh fruits or vegetables for interprovincial trade or export. While you do not need a licence to grow or harvest fresh fruits or vegetables, you may be conducting other activities which do require a licence.
To check how the SFCR applies to you, see the presentation of the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations for the Fruit and Vegetable Sector, as a video or document.
For any questions or information, contact:
Marie de Tarlé, responsible for public affairs at the QPMA
at 514 355-4330 # 221 or at